Astrophotography - EDIT

I uploaded an images with some notes.
Is it possible to edit this notes with some words or links. I can’t find any edit-button.

Yes! In the right hand sidebar, you can find the “Edit picture information” link:

Thank you for your quick answer. Unfortunately I have to say that there are only the
four rectangle " LIKE; FAVE; SHARE; REPORT " but NOT the “Edit picture information”
and also not the “Stop featuring on my profile”

Is there anything I could try to do?

Merry Christmas

Second attempt

Thank you for your quick answer. Unfortunately I have to say that there are only the
four rectangle " LIKE; FAVE; SHARE; REPORT " but NOT the “Edit picture information”
and also not the “Stop featuring on my profile”

Is there anything I could try to do?

@Hamal Please make sure you are logged in. If you are logged in but still can’t see the link, please send attach a screenshot of the picture you are trying to edit. Make sure the URL is visible in the screenshot. Thank you.