Download fits from astrophotogtaphy module


For framing purposes, it would be nice to be able to download the corresponding fit from astrophotraphy module.


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Hi Miguel, welcome to the forum and thank you for your suggestion.

I like the idea. Could you give me some example of how you imagine this feature?

If I understand correctly, you’d like to download a FITS file from plate solved astrophotography pages, which includes the original image, RA, DEC, position angle and FOV. Would this work for what you want to achieve?


Sorry for the late reply and thanks for yours.

Yes, that’s the idea. For example a button labeled “Download framed picture” or similar. And yes, just as you say the idea is to download the solved image from aladdin or similar.


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Hi @sebagr ,

Is there any news on this? Was the idea accepted?


Accepted, it was. No ETA yet, sorry :frowning:

ok thanks! No problem. Could you please update this thread when some news arrive? Thanks!

Absolutely, will do :slight_smile:

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I guess no luck yet :see_no_evil:

hehe I’m working on a big equipments refactor, but if I’ll see if I can squeeze this before that :slight_smile:

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