Location under uploaded photo

Hi to all,

My location is set in my profile. If I upload a photo then under the photo it puts a location that is not even close to me. Do I do something wrong or is there something wrong. It is with al the photo’s I uploaded.

Best regards,

Did you select a location when you uploaded the photo and can you change it if you edit the photo settings?

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Yes. I just have one location set in telescopius, and when I upload a photo there’s just one location to choos from.

Hi Rob,

There’s a difference between your saved frequent locations (you have one) and the locations where you take your pictures.

The rationale is that you may have only one frequent location (like me, Home), but you may take pictures on your vacations or maybe using a remote observatory once. That location is not one of your frequent ones, so you can set different locations on pictures.

To change the location shown on your picture, you need to edit your picture details and look for the Acquisition Details section:

I hope this helps!

Hi Sebastian,

I just have one location, 42.553 , -7.877 (home)
Those coördinates are set in the left sidebar. If I choose that location in the acquisition detail under a photo, then when all is saved, there is an other location set under the photo. If I set ‘other place’ en put the same coödinates I get Frean, Spain and thats the same as on the left sidebar and the correct place where I live.

Well, I guess I’ll just have to put the coördinates in ‘other place’ everytime. Now I know how to get the right place under the photo.

Ohhh I see the misunderstanding.

Your frequent location on the left has a name field, but that name is 100% private. In your case you are entering your location name, but other people choose to enter “Home”, “Work”, or something like that - and not only don’t we want to show anonymous users where your Home or Work is, but also it would mean nothing to other people other than you.

Under the hood, when you enter your lat and lon a reverse geocoding is run to get the approximate city/town, and that’s what’s displayed to other users.

I guess we could have a new field to let you customize that info.

Hi Sebastian,

Aha… now I get it. Problem solved, I understand :slight_smile:


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