As stated above when Telescopius is entered from iTelescope and a different iTelescope observatory is chosen, the choice is accepted momentarily and then it jumps back to the original observatory.
This also happens if you run Telescopius directly (not from iTelesope)
When opening Telescopius, there is a site selected. IF a different site is selected, it may or may not change to the new site. After the first attempt at changing sites, it will never allow a change to a new site. The only workaround is to quite the application and restart.
I checked today and changing to new site is functional - will continue to test this functionality and report if there are any failures
This is still not working most of the time in the latest version of Chrome. Even if I close all Telescopius tabs in my browser and open a fresh one with the link from iTelescope it will not accept the choice of a new site, or when a site is selected it won’t accept a change of Telescope.
If you keep trying to make one of these changes it’s sometimes accepted but usually not.
Is there a definitely reliable fix or workaround? It’s not an acceptable solution to have to close my browser as I don’t want to lose the state of other open tabs.
Note that I am signed in to Telescopius and have cookies enabled.
Hi, sorry for the late reply! A fix for this has been released a couple of months ago, and I completely missed this topic.
Please let me know if this is still an issue. Thank you!
One year later, still an issue with Chrome web browser!
I then tried Microsoft Edge and it worked OK.
In Chrome it is as described by others:
Select a different telescope and you will see the FOV briefly change and also plot of target elevation vs. time. But then it quickly reverts to the one and only telescope that it insists on using - T17 in my case.
Sorry for the late reply. I was very busy finishing the next big upgrade coming Monday, in which I’ll replace the whole DSO database with a much larger and improved version that will even work when we are offline.
With this upgrade I’m also changing how the Observatory Parameters are handled. They are no longer synchronized with the server the way they did before, so I’m hoping this sporadic issue is fixed for good. We’ll see next week and adjust from there if needed