I posted this suggestion once already, but I do not see it in the discussion list. Is it possible, or could it be added, to search one’s personal archive? As of now, when I search for a target, even when in my archive, Telescopius searches its entire database.
Hi Pat,
Sorry for the late reply. If I understand correctly, you’d like to search among your target lists, am I right?
If so, you can do it by using these search filters. Does this work for you?
I’m sorry Sebastian, I must have been unclear.
I meant searching for objects among those photos/objects I have uploaded to Telescopius.
As now, when I search I get results from searching all photos everyone has uploaded.
Ohh I see! As a matter of fact, I’m planning to add all the search filters to user profiles, that’ll do the trick. I’ll see if I can bump its priority.
Thank you, Sebastian.